Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

Agata K Kolodziej-Macczak

Medical University of Silesia, Poland

Title: Medical application of gold nanoparticles

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Ryan J Bender

Weill Cornell Medical College, USA

Title: Tissue engineering doesn’t have to cost a fortune- An ultra-low-cost autoclavable tissue engineering platform for perfusion and syringe-based cell culture

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Agata K Kolodziej-Macczak (2)

Medical University of Silesia, Poland

Title: Therapeutical use of silver in chronic wounds and comparison of its different forms in dressings

Biography Abstract

Poster Presentation

Zahra Khodabandeh

Stem Cells Technology Research Center, Iran

Title: Fabrication of enriched scaffold by extracellular matrix of mesenchymal stem cells in 3D culture

Biography Abstract